Long before becoming the primary brand of greeting cards, a “hallmark” referred to the certification of purity that would be stamped on precious metals – such as gold, silver, and platinum.
Hallmarks acted as a guarantee that the craftsman’s work was legitimate, and that the metal was everything that the buyer would expect it to be.
In a similar fashion, there are hallmarks in your life that indicate the caliber of leader that you are. There are qualities that, when present, act as a guarantee that you are a man who is truly living by the power of God. While there are certainly many honorable hallmarks that can be present in a leader, we have chosen to highlight three hallmarks that are absolutely fundamental.
These three hallmarks are drawn from one simple, yet profound verse in Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Our God has clearly stated his requirements for us as manly leaders — but earning these three hallmarks is no simple task.
A Leader is JUST
Throughout Scripture, we see a God who values and pursues justice. We see a God who defends the powerless, strengthens the weak, and overthrows the wicked. Oftentimes, we also see a God who chooses to empower willing men to carry out his justice.
However, the important point to remember is that God’s justice may often look different than our own. As men of justice, we are called to be merciful, graceful, compassionate, and caring — we are called to “take up the cause of the fatherless” and “plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). God’s justice is perfect, and only by remaining in his will can we truly be leaders of justice.
A Leader is KIND
“Kindness” is not a word often associated with strength, but the greatest strength is power under control. Kindness is a virtue that God continuously reminds his men to pursue. In Colossians, Paul even tells us to be “clothed” with kindness (Colossians 3:12).
In no way should kindness to be considered a quality that is indicative of passivity or softness. Only a real man of God is capable of being gentle, caring, and thoughtful despite the temptation to act otherwise. This is the great strength under control to act with great thought and care.
A Leader is HUMBLE
Imagine the surprise of the twelve disciples when Jesus knelt before each of them and washed their feet. As God in the flesh, he was the absolute perfect leader — and yet, Christ exhibited amazing humility towards both his disciples and the Father.
In light of the humility of our Creator, we have no excuse to avoid humbly serving others. Being a leader does not grant you permission to be prideful, boastful, or arrogant. On the contrary, by practicing humility, we earn respect and dedication from those whom God has put under our leadership.
These three hallmarks are not trophies that can be earned by one valiant act — nor can they be claimed by one who has not fully submitted to the will of God. These hallmarks are the result of a lifestyle of biblical manliness. Only by making a habit of pursuing justice, kindness, and humility, are you setting yourself up to a leader in God’s army.
Begin taking steps towards godly leadership by participating in the “Common Man – Uncommon Manhood” study. You will learn from both Scripture and the testimonies of strong men what it takes to pursue true biblical manhood.